a blog about me, my work and my influences

Saturday, 27 February 2010

bloomberg blog.

This is the the link to the blog that everyone on the new project is adding research and interesting stuff for the project.


Monday, 22 February 2010

Friday, 19 February 2010

bloomberg space.

Got given a brief on tuesday. It involves the design of a book which would showcase the Comma exhibitions which are being held at the Bloomberg Space. The Bloomberg Space in the the Bloomberg building and funded by the company. Comma is a series of 30 exhibitions by 30 different artists which are put on two at a time for a period of around 4 weeks. By the end of 2010 all 30 will have taken place.

We spoke to one of the directors there and she said that the reason they chose to do a run of exhibitions like this was to create an identity for the space which would keep people coming in to see the new artists work.

The space already has a design identity which we have to stick with but we can use it to be creative and change it about a bit. When at the space there were leaftets on every exhibiton which you could pull off the wall. This was a good way to interact because if you are just given a leaflet you quite often discard it, so this way if you wanted one you had to get one yourself.

Whilst there, the Comma 17 and 18, by Bernd Behr and Charlotte Moth were there. This work used the space in interesting ways and that is one the things the directors look for in the artists, someone that can work well in a space given to them. http://www.bloombergspace.com/index.html

For the project there are a number of things i will be assessed on;

- My participation on a blog that will be set up for everyone to most research to share with each other. I'll post the link on here when I know it myself!

- A development PDF which will track my progress over the project with my research and experimentation etc.

- A dummy book i.e. a blank book using the paper, finishing etc. I would propose to use if making it for real.

- And also sample spreads of the book design itself including; a cover, half title page, inprint page, title page, contents page and spreads on two of the artists in the Comma series.

For the dummy book I have a budget of £12,000 for a print of 750 copies, so I need to research prices on materials and inks.

This project seems like it could be really interesting as it's more 'real life' and focussed than the last one I did.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


The best piece of cutlery in the world. Got it at the weekend.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


just made something.

drawing workshop.

I recently took part in a drawing workshop at the college in the aim of learning some stuff to help me when drawing. I brang in a tin opener to draw.

The first thing we had to do was draw the object how you would normally. So this involved me trying to make the drawing look like the tin opener and using a pencil for tone and shading. Didn't turn out very good...

Next we got told not to look at the paper when drawing the object. This focuses your attention on guiding your pen to follow the contours and outline of the object you are drawing and gives a more interesting image in the end.

This did produce more interesting images but it was difficult to tell what the hell they were. So I needed more practice. But first we had to try the same technique with your non favourite hand, therefore my left. The idea behind this was to make you concentrate even more on guiding the pen.

Then the next thing was to use both your hands and two pens and do half the drawing with one hand and half with the other at the same time. Tricky stuff!

This was somehow making my drawings look more like tin openers than before and they certainly looked more interesting than the original pencil drawing I did. We then used scissors to 'draw' the object, using them to cut out black paper in the shape of the object.

Then was another go at drawing right handed like the second drawing to see if I'd improved. I had.

It was still a bit childlike but it was definately better than my first go at this technique. You can tell what it is. Just.
Then we had a go at using the same technique for drawing letters. We had some sheets of alphabet in different typefaces and had to pick a typeface and word that described the object. I enjoyed this bit, I thought the typefaces drawn out looked really interesting and could be used in kids picture book or in illustration.

Then the final thing we did was combine the scissors cutting out of the outline and not looking at the paper. I stuck the cut out onto paper then drew over the top without looking at the paper. This definately gave the best result. I'm going to use this style of drawing way more often from now on in my work.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

pixar book.

FINALLY sent off the PDF's for my book to be printed from blurb. It was the most frustrating process though.

But at least its gone. I'm not that happy with the book design at the moment, hopefully it'll look better when its printed though.

The book detailed Pixar Shorts which are the short animations they show before a feature film. Also in the book is a brief history of Pixar.

I haven't really enjoyed the project, it's stressed me out too much but it'll be cool to see what the book looks like printed.

I'll post pictures when I can..

but you can preview it here.