a blog about me, my work and my influences

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Avatar is amazing. If you haven't seen it or if you're sceptical about 3D you should go, the 3D is great. It adds so much depth as opposed to being a gimmick like most 3D films.

1 comment:

  1. It was so amazing. The attention to little details like particles from the trees and bugs flying at you while your in Pandora make it more than just another 3D film. The HUDs of all the military vehicles sticking out in 3D was really good too, I felt though that the 3D wasn't even noticeable when you were transported to Pandora because the first time we were introduced to the planet we see it in 3D so it becomes the norm. Whereas when we go to the military barracks the 3D stands out because it's a familiar setting. There's my opinion on it anyway lol.
