a blog about me, my work and my influences

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


My collages up in the Well Gallery in the LCC before Christmas.

It was great to see all the collages up together and it created a vast mass which looked pretty spectacular. One thing I noticed was that it was difficult to pick out individual collages when you were looking at it as a whole, so each collage didn't seem as important. It was easier to pick up on 'groups' of collages which looked similar, like my juxtapostion collages with the train tickets on. However it was interesting to see the variety of collages people had created, and when you looked closer, you started to pick out individual collages and everytime you looked at a different wall you'd see a new one you hadn't seen before.

I really liked this aspect, the display looked good as a whole when all of the collages were together but it was also really interesting to take a close look too. Was almost worth all the effort... Almost.

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