a blog about me, my work and my influences

Monday, 23 November 2009

give me a hand.

So for my project, I've already said I looked at obvious things to do with helping others. Another obvious thing is the idea of lending a helping hand. So I've been looking at hands recently and have been looking at the shapes I can create with them. I thought it would be interesting to create an image with them or something that could be used for a poster or something similar for the final piece for my project.

When I was creating shapes, a lot of them started to look like letters so I thought it would be a interesting if I could create all the letters using my fingers. I managed to do some of the alphabet by myself but needed my girlfriends h
elp to finish the 26 letters off.

I'm thinking about using the letters I've created in a poster or set of posters to promote 'Helping Others' by using them to spell out inspirational quotes to do with helping people.

One of the problems I have with the letters however, is whether or not it will appeal to my target audience of 20-30 Style Concious People. I initially thought that perhaps the letters would appeal to children more but I'm confident that I can edit/change/manipulate the letters into something that would appeal to my audience.

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